Friends Reunite Thanks to DSL & Special Olympics KY
John and Byron became acquainted at DSL seven years ago through our adult tutoring program and...
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John and Byron became acquainted at DSL seven years ago through our adult tutoring program and...
Hi BDC, Due to a liability issue for the walk, anyone planning on joining us for the BDC...
Welcome Whitney Morris as a new Academy Teacher to the DSL team! Before she joined the DSL...
Tuesdays in September & October from 5-6 pm Sept 17th, & 24th and October 1st, 8th, 15th,...
Special Olympics KY’s Young Athletes meets on select Thursdays from 6-7p at the Down Syndrome...
DSL Families, We are launching NEW DSL Volunteer Committees and we are excited to have our families...
Three members of the Adult Developmental Academy got to go to Frankfort to participate in the Sunny...
A star-studded event was hosted in New York City and it was a night of celebration to raise funds...
Welcome Megan Mullins! Down Syndrome of Louisville’s first Occupational Therapist! Megan...
Cameron Fontes DSL Staff—Executive Assistant DSL has been part of my family’s life since my...
Dwight Newton Reason for Being Part of DSL: Since I was 9 years old I have had the amazing...
Jennifer Schinke Kendrick “[She] was not about to leave the game and go over and stand against...
Chad Hennessey I’m a lifelong Louisvillian (aside from my 4.5 years in Bowling Green attending...
Anna started work at Forest Springs Health Campus on February 21st! She has already made an amazing...
Please welcome the latest member of the DSL team, Lisa Hammersmith! Lisa is the new “first...
Celebrate World Down Syndrome Day ALL MARCH LONG with a brand new tattoo! Book your session with...
DSL leadership spent this past week/weekend at the annual Down Syndrome Affiliates in Action...
It is with the deepest sadness we share with you that one of our former members, Larry Barmore has...
Please welcome the latest member of the Down Syndrome of Louisville team, Suzanne Johnson! Suzanne...
Sacred Heart Academy and Trinity High School held their 13th Annual Rock the Heart charity lacrosse...
Join Down Syndrome of Louisville for a fun day of Louisville Bats Baseball at Slugger Field on...
Jefferson County Technical College is currently accepting applications for the upcoming fall...
The Indiana Family Social Services proposes changes to the Aged and Disabled waiver. As a...
Celebrate World Down Syndrome Day on March 21st with your DSL family! Thanks to the Smothers...
A new face at DSL! Bayley Thompson is a counselor-in-training with the clinical mental health...
You are invited to participate in the 2024 DSAIA Annual Leadership Conference Entrepreneur...