Dear Caregiver,
We’re reaching out regarding an opportunity to provide your thoughts regarding sexuality education for individuals with extensive support needs. Below is more detailed information regarding the research study; if you are interested in participating, here is a link to the survey: Caregiver Survey
If you have any additional questions, please feel free to contact us:
Dr. Erica McClure
Dr. Jennifer Pollard
You are invited to participate in a research study by answering questions in the attached survey about your perceptions regarding supporting individuals with extensive support needs (ESN) through sexual development. This study is conducted by Dr. Erica McClure and Dr. Jennifer Pollard of the University of Louisville. The risks for participating in this research study are that you may feel discomfort about the topics discussed in the survey. The information collected may not benefit you directly. The information learned in this study may be helpful to others and will be used to support the development of caregiver training.
Your responses to this survey will be recorded and stored on a secure database only accessible by the researchers. Any provided email addresses will be removed. The survey will take approximately five minutes of your time to complete. By completing this survey, you will have the opportunity to enter a raffle for one of 20 $25 gift cards. In order to enter the raffle, we ask that you put your email or other contact information in the survey for us to contact you if you win. Winners of the gift cards will be randomly selected and notified by email.
Because you will be paid to be in this study, your information will be collected to issue payment. In addition, the study team will keep records of how much you are paid.
You may be sent a Form 1099 if you are paid $600 or more in one year. We are required by the Internal Revenue Service to collect this information and you may need to report the payment as income on your taxes. You can still be in the study even if you do not want to be paid.
Individuals from the University’s College of Education and Human Development (CEHD), the Institutional Review Board (IRB), the Human Subjects Protection Program Office (HSPPO), and other regulatory agencies may inspect these records. In all other respects, however, the data will be held in confidence to the extent permitted by law. Should the data be published, your identity will not be disclosed.
If you participate in this study, identifiable information such as your name will be removed from the information collected in this study. After removal, the information may be used for future research or shared with other researchers without additional consent from you. Only the research team will have access to the survey contents during the study. Any identifying information will be changed or deleted.
Taking part in this study is voluntary. By answering survey questions, you agree to take part in this research study. You do not have to answer any questions that make you uncomfortable. You may choose not to take part at all. If you decide to be in this study, you may stop taking part at any time. If you decide not to be in this study or if you stop taking part at any time, you will not lose any benefits for which you may qualify.
If you have any questions, concerns, or complaints about the research study, please contact: Dr. Erica McClure at 502-417-2364 or Dr. Jennifer Pollard at 502-592-4167.
If you have any questions about your rights as a research subject, you may call the Human Subjects Protection Program Office at (502) 852-5188. You can discuss any questions about your rights as a research subject, in private, with a member of the Institutional Review Board (IRB). You may also call this number if you have other questions about the research, and you cannot reach the research staff, or want to talk to someone else. The IRB is an independent committee made up of people from the University community, staff of the institutions, as well as people from the community not connected with these institutions. The IRB has reviewed this research study.
If you have concerns or complaints about the research or research staff and you do not wish to give your name, you may call 1-877-852-1167. This is a 24-hour hotline answered by people who do not work at the University of Louisville.
If you are interested in participating, here is a link to the survey: Caregiver Survey
Dr. Erica McClure
& Dr. Jennifer Pollard