Living & Learning

Living & Learning focuses on developing skills of independence in the home and workplace.

Living & Learning often includes sessions where DSL’s supported employment team teaches workplace skills. Lessons cover topics that include how to get a job, gain more responsibilities, increase task independence, and more.

Students benefit from small-group interaction, role-playing, videos, demonstrations, and class discussion. The hands-on portion of the sessions, members’ favorite part of the program, includes cooking classes for students to prepare and clean up healthy snacks and meals using kitchen utensils and appliances, or crafts and projects to spark creativity and expression. Communication is also a large portion of the sessions, in which members are encouraged to engage with each other, staff, and volunteers in team-building and social games.


L&L Meets three Monday nights each month from 5 – 6 pm at the DSL Kentucky Campus.

Did you know that you have access to the ENTIRE world at your fingertips??  “How is this possible” – you ask?.. Well, our phones of course! This month, we will be talking about phone etiquette and phone safety!  In our upcoming classes, we will go more in-depth on how to use your phone politely and how to stay safe while using it.  We’ll discuss topics like when it’s okay to use your phone, how to be respectful to others when you’re on the phone, why it’s important to not share personal information with strangers over the phone, and what to do if you ever feel uncomfortable or scared while on the phone.

Kentucky Living & Learning

May 6th - Session 1

Session 1: Etiquette (May 6th)

So, what exactly is phone etiquette? It’s basically all about using your phone in a polite and friendly way. Simple, right?  Some topics we will cover are being polite and friendly over the phone/texts, speaking clearly, and how we should be careful when typing our messages (aka. How ALL CAPS or maybe “2 casual 4 u”)!  Don’t forget, writing messages properly is important too depending on who you’re communicating with!

Kentucky Living & Learning

May 13th - Session 2

Session 2: Safety (May 13th)

As technology continues to advance, it’s increasingly important to stay informed about how to keep ourselves safe in the digital world.  During this session, we will cover a variety of topics related to phone safety including cyber bullying,

Keeping personal information safe, online privacy, and downloading apps from secure sources.

Kentucky Living & Learning

May 20th - Session 3

Session 3: REVIEW (May 20th)

For this last session of the month, we will be working on reviewing our last two sessions!  We will have discussions as a class about what we’ve learned this past month, role play scenarios with one another, and work on activities to solidify phone etiquette and safety.

Are you signed up?

Kentucky May Session

Click Here to RSVP

Indiana Living & Learning

Meets at our Indiana campus on Thursdays from 6:30-7:30 pm

This program hosts weekly life skills training with the ultimate goal of making each participant more independent inside and outside of the home.

Using hands-on activities, role-playing, group brainstorming, and activities in a real-world setting, participants in this program gain the skills and confidence they need to achieve their lifelong independence. There is no cost for this program.

Questions? Email Tiffany

Rebekah Wilson

Academy Teacher

Email Rebekah

Azariah Frazier

Teen & Adult Transitions Manager

Email Azariah

Tiffany Koerner

Southern Indiana Coordinator

Email Tiffany

Adult Ed News & Stories

Local Gymnastics Facility Partners with DSL Academy

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Academy Classroom Getting in the Holiday Spirit

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Book Club Christmas Party

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Ds Awareness Month – Meet Jill

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Ds Awareness Month – Meet Grace

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