May 1st: The Bill is signed and it’s now official! Thank you Governor Andy Beshear, #TeamKentucky, and Danny Slaton for this HUGE step forward!
DSL advocated for this legislation to prevent discrimination based solely on disability in the organ transplantation process for people with Down syndrome and other disabilities should they experience discrimination. Governor Beshear said of the bill , “It’s hard to imagine ever being turned away from a health care option based on a disability. I firmly believe every Kentuckian should have access to quality health care, delivered with kindness and compassion. House Bill 238 will help ensure that is the case for all our people.”
Beth Dugas, mother of Madison shared her joy on Facebook, “Today was a huge day!! With the help of our sweet girl, Madison, the world is a little better. Today was the day that governor, Andy Brashear sign the Nondiscrimination Organ Transplant Bill. Madison story was told to help pass this bill. We got to meet Andy Brashear as well as get to see the bill signed!! Our girl is changing the world and we couldn’t be more proud of her!!”
March 7: On March 7, The Nondiscrimination Organ Transplant Bill (HB238) took its first step in Kentucky by having a hearing and initial vote. The vote was 14-0! DSL Board Member and DSL Dad spoke on behalf of individuals with DS and it passed the House and headed to the Senate. He was able to share the story of member, Madison Dugas who has had a heart transplant and is doing well!
Read Madison’s Story here

On March 15th, after the House floor vote it went on to Governor Andy Beshear to sign! We are now proud to be on this list of states with preventative legislation. DSL also visited with Kentucky representatives- Scott Sharp, House of Representatives, and Representative Al Gentry – thanking them for sponsoring HB238- a bill to prevent discrimination in organ donation and continuing to support individuals with disablities. We also got to pose with the Certificate of Recognition stating that 3.21 is now officially “Down Syndrome Awareness Day” in KY.
Thank you again, Danny Slaton, DSL Board Member, and DSL Dad for speaking on our behalf!