CPR Training

DSL is CPR Certified! Staff members Shelly Durbin and Cathy Palmer hold certifications in CPR, AED, and First Aid as Red Cross Instructors.
All DSL staff are required to obtain an American Red Cross certification in CPR, AED, and First Aid, and training and certifications are renewed every two years.
About Shelly
DSL is important to me because I want to help empower our members to lead their best lives. I want to provide them opportunities to share their unique abilities on the job, at school, and living independently. I want to encourage our folks to advocate for themselves and educate our community on the importance of inclusion of all people.
My favorite memory is the opening day of the ADA and seeing the excitement on our members’ faces. It has grown from an initial enrollment of 16 to now 100 members. This speaks to the success of our programs and makes me proud.
About Cathy
DSL is important to me because it offers educational classes for our members in all stages of life. Members’ goals and abilities shine as we support, advocate, and educate them to be the best version of themselves. Our building is truly filled with love.
My favorite memory is all the personal conversations I enjoy each day with members during lunch or seeing their personalities shine through dance, song, and playing instruments.