The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), originally passed in 1975, guarantees all students with disabilities the right to a free and appropriate public education in the least restrictive environment. Along with the rights to students and families conferred by IDEA, Congress made a promise to pay 40% of the extra cost of providing special education and related services to students with disabilities. Unfortunately, Congress has never held up its end of the bargain, typically only funding IDEA between 13-16% leaving the rest to be funded by the states and local districts. This has resulted in major IDEA implementation problems, where students with disabilities are often denied services because of budget shortfalls, even though cost is not supposed to be a factor under the law. There is also inadequate funding for teacher preparation and training. Despite some very strong provisions in the IDEA law itself, lack of funding has led to widespread implementation problems around the country.
For decades now, Members of Congress have tried to rectify its failure to fully fund IDEA. This Congress, the bipartisan, bicameral IDEA Full Funding Act (S.3213/ H.R. 5984) has been gaining more and more support. This bill would require regular increases in IDEA spending, putting it on a 10-year glidepath to “full funding.” This bill would infuse billions of dollars into state and local district budgets for the purpose of serving students with disabilities under IDEA.
Please ask your Senators and Representatives to cosponsor the IDEA Full Funding Act today! Remember to amend the template email message or talking points for your call to share your personal story about how more IDEA funding would help you and your loved ones.
Thank you for your advocacy efforts,
The NDSC Policy & Advocacy Team